My name is Melissa, and I am a lot of things but the most important thing to know about me is I am a wife and mother. I credit my husband with making me the woman I am today. He showed me that I can stand up for myself and be the outgoing, fun-loving, funny person I want to be. We have been married for 6 years, together for over 10, and what an incredible ride it has been! The ups and downs of marriage are a crazy roller coaster ride but there is no-one else I would rather be next to! And on March 29, 2009, my whole world did a loop-de-loop when we had Kaleb, 7lb 7oz of pure boy! I never understood the undeniable, everlasting love of a parent until I held him that first day. He has tried my patience like only a first child can, but I would die for that kid. A colicky baby, he still doesn't sleep through the night at 2 years old, but we do everything we can to make sure he is a happy, healthy toddler (even though he refuses to eat anything but oranges and chicken fries!). I have at many times felt like that I am on the tail end of a lifelong marathon, just trying to keep up with the pack, and there are times when I feel like I'm out front. Follow along to find out where I am today!