Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

Sunday was the official end of the football season. Normally, Paul and I don't watch professional sports, but when the Super Bowl rolls around, we try to get involved with all the festivities. And this year was no exception. My sister called and said they were hosting a party at their new house, and just the next day, a mom of one of the kids from Kaleb's daycare calls and invites us over to their place with a bunch of other daycare kids. So, I explained that we were going to split our time (1st half with the kiddos and second half with the sister). It was tons of fun!
First, we went to Karen and Kevin's house, whose son Breckin is in Kaleb's daycare class. They are from the area so we got to meet a lot of new people and get to know some parents from Kaleb's daycare. There ended up being four ~3-year-olds (3 boys and one girl) and two 5-year-olds. We found out quickly that boys will be boys and fight over any and all toys. I don't know how many times we looked outside and there were at least 2 if not all 3 crying over something! But we had a great time and look forward to getting together with everyone again soon.
At half time, we packed up and headed over to my sister's new house. I had planned it this way hoping that Kaleb would wear himself out with all the kids and fall alseep on the way to Melodie's. The skies must have been aligned just right because, low and behold, that child fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep the whole time we were there. Again, we got to meet lots of new people and also catch up with some we had met before but not seen since summer.
We ended up only watching the final two minutes of the game. (I actually had picked the Patriots to win, but oh well. I really didn't care one way or the other).
The funniest time of the night was right before we left my sister's to head home. One of Chad's coworker's had a newborn baby with them at the party. She had been asleep the whole time and woke up right as everyone was leaving. Melodie was holding her and handed her over to Chad, when she started to pass gas! Chad mentioned how warm she felt and discovered that the diaper apparently had reached it's load-limit! Uh Oh! Gross and hysterical at the same time!

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